The 2014 FACSS-SciX Interview Series |
Understanding Biological Systems at the Quantum Level Using 2D Electronic Spectroscopy
Spectroscopy recently spoke to Greg S. Engel, who is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois, and one of the winners of the 2013 FACSS Innovation Awards. Here, Engel discusses his research examining quantum dynamics in biology, chirality in dynamics, and the use of two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy. MORE » |
Increase Accuracy of FT-IR Analysis
DOWNLOAD WHITE PAPER demonstrating the inconsistency in background levels of water and CO2 for an unpurged, sealed, and desiccated FT-IR spectrometer as compared to a sealed and desiccated FT-IR spectrometer with the sample compartment purged. The purge enhances instrument reliability by reducing the need for maintenance and increases the accuracy of analysis by eliminating inconsistencies in background levels of CO2 and water. |
Featured Articles |
Practical Group Theory and Raman Spectroscopy, Part I: Normal Vibrational Modes
Group theory is an important component for understanding the fundamentals of vibrational spectroscopy. The molecular or solid state symmetry of a material in conjunction with group theory form the basis of the selection rules for infrared absorption and Raman scattering. Here we investigate, in a two-part series, the application of group theory for practical use in laboratory vibrational spectroscopy. MORE » |
Scientific expands our broadest line of fluorescence spectroscopy solutions with the addition PHOTON TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL (PTI). PTI's offerings include:
- The QuantaMaster series of fluorometers , attractively priced modular fluorometers
- The EasyLife, an extremely affordable fluorescence lifetime system
- The RatioMaster series of cellular ion ratio imaging microscope solutions
- The EasyRatioPro series of advanced high performance microscopy imaging solutions.
See all the new solutions at: www.pti-nj.com |
Units of Measure in Spectroscopy, Part I: It's the Volume, Folks!
The data show that different units of measurement have different relationships to the spectral values, for reasons having nothing to do with the spectroscopy. This finding disproves the unstated, but near-universal, assumption that different measures of concentration are equivalent except, perhaps, for a constant scaling factor. MORE » |
From the Bench to the Bedside: Infrared Spectroscopy and the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dry Eye and Cataracts
The focus of this review is the application of infrared (IR) spectroscopy to study human lens and tear lipids with minimal discussion of the role of lipids and the complex etiology of cataracts and dry eye. The power of IR spectroscopy to measure composition, conformation, structure, and environment of biomolecules was applied to diagnose cataracts and dry eye and follow the efficacy of treatment. Principal component analysis and other standard algorithms were used to analyze IR spectra. MORE » |
Change is in the Air
Agilent introduces the next generation 4200 MP-AES that runs on air. Lead the way with safe, cost effective elemental analysis suited to an even wider range of sample types and applications. See class leading performance for every challenge. |
Baseline Correction for Raman Spectra Based on Piecewise Linear Fitting
The correction of baseline drift is an important step in data preprocessing. An interval linear fitting method based on automatic critical-point-seeking was improved, which made it possible for the baseline to drift automatically. MORE » |
A Training Set Sample Selection Method Based on SIMPLISMA for Robust Calibration in Near-Infrared Spectral Analysis
A training set sample selection method based on the simple-to-use interactive self-modeling mixture analysis (SIMPLISMA) algorithm is proposed in this article. We applied this method in near-infrared (NIR) spectral analysis of the content of protein, water, oil, and starch in corn. MORE » |
Make the switch from Flame AAS to the Next Generation MP-AES Technology – Achieve safer, more cost effective elemental analysis for a wider range of applications
On Demand Webcast
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Rapid Bacterial Diagnostics Via Surface-Enhanced Raman Microscopy
There is a continuing need to develop new techniques for rapid and specific identification of bacterial pathogens in human body fluids especially given the increasing prevalence of drug-resistant strains. Efforts to develop a surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)-based approach, which encompasses sample preparation, SERS substrates, portable Raman microscopy instrumentation, and novel identification software, are described. MORE » |
Raise Your Expectations: Learn How the New Agilent 7900 ICP-MS Redefines ICP-MS Performance
Event Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 4:00pm UK / 11:00am EST / 8:00am PST
Register here:
Resonance Enhancement of Raman Spectroscopy: Friend or Foe?
The presence of electronic transitions in the visible part of the spectrum can provide enormous enhancement of the Raman signals, if these electronic states are not luminescent. In some cases, the signals can increase by as much as six orders of magnitude. MORE » |
Innovative Leaps in FTIR Technology – Introducing the Next Generation of Handheld FTIR for Non-Destructive Materials Analysis
Event Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 at 9:00 AM EDT/ 1pm GMT/ 2:00 pm CET
Register here:
NIR Model Transfer Based on Wavelet Transform Algorithms
Methods based on wavelet transform such as denoising, compression, and multiscale analysis were developed for near infrared (NIR) analysis model transfer of an amine mixture to improve the precision of piecewise direct standardization (PDS). Transfer samples and correlative parameters based on wavelet denoising and piecewise direct standardization (WDPDS), wavelet compression and piecewise direct standardization (WCPDS), and wavelet multiscale and piecewise direct standardization (WMPDS) were studied, and the optimal conditions were confirmed. MORE » |
Featured Products |
Quality data, quality answers with Nicolet iN10 FT-IR Microscope
With its intuitive, innovative design, combined with its novel approach to instrument operation, the Thermo Scientific™ Nicolet™ iN™10 Infrared microscope accelerates workflows for users in analytical, forensic or research labs. www.thermoscientific.com/in10 |
PIKE MIRacle Options Expanded
The range of attachments for the PIKE MIRacle ATR Accessory has grown to include a specular reflection plate, flow-through attachment and temperature control for set point measurements or ramping experiments. Click Here |
ASSU℞ Handheld Raman
The ASSU℞ handheld Raman analyzer provide superior solution for 100% incoming raw material identification and verification in pharmaceutical and other regulated industries. Please contact us to learn how you can benefit from this "next generation" technology. Enwave Optronics, Inc. |
3D Confocal Raman Imaging
The unique optical design of the ultrasensitive and modular WITec alpha300 Raman microscope allows for diffraction-limited and ultrafast 3D Raman imaging to be performed with one and the same instrument configuration routinely and simultaneously. www.witec.de/products/raman/3d-raman |
Raman Laser for Vials
StellarNet introduces Ramulaser 785nm for 1/2” vials with direct connection to spectrometer. Compact size 2x4x6” with integrated 8 hr battery! Screw top vials handle liquids, powders, & small samples. www.stellarnet.us/PopularConfigurations_ramansystems.htm |
Handheld LIBS Elemental Analysis
SciAps introduces a handheld LIBS-based analyzer. The Z analyzes virtually any element in the Periodic Table. Ideal for metals, powders, geochemical samples – virtually any sample type, any element, anywhere. www.sciaps.com |
High Resolution Raman System
The i-Raman® Plus is a portable Raman spectrometer powered by smart spectrometer technology. Using a back-thinned CCD detector with deeper cooling, it allows for up to 30mins of integration time. Click Here |
Quest ATR Accessory
The Quest ATR Accessory is a performance single-reflection ATR accessory from Specac designed for laboratory spectroscopic sample analysis in the mid- and far-infrared. With innovative optical design and durable monolithic diamond ATR crystal option, this sets the benchmark in performance and value for ATR spectroscopy. Click Here |
Modular Spectroscopy Tools Promotion
Customizing a spectrometer setup to meet your diverse application needs has never been more convenient. Purchase an Ocean Optics spectrometer through March 21, 2014 and save up to 20% on the software, light sources and accessories included with your order. Click Here |
New Webcasts |
Raise Your Expectations; Learn How the New Agilent 7900 ICP-MS Redefines ICP-MS Performance
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 11:00 AM EST/ 4:00 PM GMT/ 5:00 PM CET
Metals labs that use ICP-MS have always had to accept the limitations — limited tolerance to high dissolved solids, and a dynamic range that can't reach the major elements. No longer! With the new Agilent 7900 ICP-MS, very high total dissolved samples matrices (e.g., 25% NaCl brine) can be measured routinely, and major elements at % concentration levels can be quantified in the same run as ppt-level traces. Learn how Agilent redefines ICP-MS performance.
Sign Up Now>> |
Innovative Leaps in FTIR Technology – Introducing the Next Generation of Handheld FTIR for Non-Destructive Materials Analysis
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
9:00 AM EDT / 1PM GMT/ 2PM CET
Introducing the next generation of Handheld FTIR. This innovative design provides users with a much more reliable and easier to use platform for their on the go FTIR analysis. Sign Up Now>> |
Innovative Leaps in FTIR Technology – Introducing the Next Generation of Handheld FTIR for Non-Destructive Materials Analysis
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
11:00 AM PDT/ 12:00 PM CDT/ 2:00 PM EDT
Introducing the next generation of Handheld FTIR. This innovative design provides users with a much more reliable and easier to use platform for their on the go FTIR analysis. Sign Up Now>> |
with Spectroscopy:
Upcoming Events |
1–4, March 2014
25th Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure and Dynamics
Dallas, TX
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2–6, March 2014
Pittcon 2014
Chicago, IL
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3–7, March 2014
American Physical Society March Meeting
Denver, CO
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16–20, March 2014
247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition
Dallas, TX
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17–20, March 2014
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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23–28, March 2014
55th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference (ENC)
Boston, MA
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1–4, April 2014
Analytical 2014 – 24th International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology, and Analytical Conference
Munich, Germany
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5–8, April 2014
American Physical Society April Meeting
Savannah, GA
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6–10, April 2014
The 47th Annual International Meeting of the ESR Spectroscopy Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Dundee, United Kingdom
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13–16, April 2014
Athens, Greece
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14–17, April 2014
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014: Photonics, Optics, Lasers, Micro and Nanotechnologies
Brussels, Belgium
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15–18, April 2014
Analitika 2014
Moscow, Russia
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25–28, April 2014
AnalytiX 2014
Dalian, China
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18–21, May 2014
EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Molecular Machines: Lessons from Integrating Structure, Biophysics, and Chemistry
Heidelberg, Germany
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12–13, June 2014
Boston, MA
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17–20, June 2014
38th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Lausanne, Switzerland
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