Data validity and a thorough understanding of the results that we produce should be of great interest to us all. Here’s why. Read more
IonBench is a manufacturer of LC/GC/MS and elevating UHPLC benches. MS ionBenches integrate MS peripherals, a built-in vacuum pump noise reduction enclosure and protect turbomolecular pumps by reducing vibration by 99%. Solidly built lockable casters simplify moving the system. LC Elevating IonBenches, on caster wheels, can be easily lifted up or down for a convenient and safe access to the top of your UHPLC. Learn more
The versatility of hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) in monoclonal antibody (mAb) analysis is demonstrated in this month’s “Biopharmaceutical Perspectives”. Read more
Peter Schoenmakers from the University of Amsterdam discusses what he found when he compared the potential peak capacities of two and three-dimensional LC. He also reviews how he approaches orthogonality in a 3D LC separation. Read more
Fresh fruit and vegetables have a limited shelf life and so there is a need to ensure that the products reach the shelf in a timely manner and with as little spoilage as possible. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are an easily accessible way of monitoring changes in fresh produce. Hilary J. Rogers and Carsten T. Müller from the School of Biosciences at Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK, investigate these VOCs in fruit and vegetables using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). They recently spoke to The Column about this research. Read more
A method to determine the quality of olive oil has been developed using a novel atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source in combination with gas chromatography coupled to hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry and a metabolomics strategy. Read more
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