LCGC Europe Weekly Update:
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LCGC Europe - News Bulletin
16 October 2014
Top Story: The LCGC Blog: From Reversed Phase to HILIC and Back Again: Recent Evolutions in HPLC and UHPLC Stationary Phases
When you begin to combine advances in superficially porous media to achieve high efficiency with novel and predictable new stationary phases to achieve high selectivity, then it sounds like the evolution of HPLC and UHPLC phases over the past decade or more has brought some exciting new possibilities.
More Efficiency, More Free Time
All you expect, and more. The new Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC sets new benchmarks in analytical, instrument and laboratory efficiency. You may find yourself with extra time on your hands. Meet the next generation of Agilent UHPLC:

LCGC TV: Screening Environmental Pollutants in Water Samples
Anthony Gravell of Natural Resources Wales describes a recent study comparing passive sampling with spot sampling to determine pollutants (including PAHs) in drinking water zones in England and Wales.
Protein SEC made simple
Malvern Instruments has released an update to their OmniSEC GPC/SEC software. Selectable "polymers" or "proteins" user interfaces with simplified workflows and integration with Waters Empower® improving productivity. For total confidence in your macromolecular characterization, it’s now even easier to incorporate the Viscotek SEC-MALS 20 detector into your existing system to determine absolute molecular weight with no tedious calibration. Learn more

LC Troubleshooting — How Much Can I Inject? Part 1: Injecting in Mobile Phase
At first glance, injection of sample onto a liquid chromatography (LC) column seems pretty simple; however, before starting an LC method, you should check a few variables to be sure that you do not create potential problems.
Need HPLC Troubleshooting Help?
The CHROMacademy interactive HPLC Troubleshooter, sponsored by Thermo Scientific, was designed with busy chromatographers in mind. In 3 simple steps ChromAcademy can help you overcome your instrument, separation and quantitation issues. It’s completely free — so if you haven't tried our troubleshooter before you're in for a surprise! Learn more

Photo credit: Jorg Greuel/Getty Images
Application of Mass Spectrometry to Support Verification and Characterization of Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals
Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC–MS), with accurate-mass capability, is a powerful tool for investigating counterfeit pharmaceuticals because it allows the rapid assignment of the molecular weight and formula of each component.
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Wednesday 22 October 2014 8:00 AM PDT/ 11:00 AM EDT/ 4:00 PM BST/ 5:00 PM CEST
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Editors’ Series: Quality Control of Dietary Supplements: An Examination of Chromatographic Approaches Needed for cGMP Compliance, with Case Studies
Wednesday 5 November 2014 8:00 AM PDT / 10:00 AM CST / 11:00 AM EST /
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