01 May 2014
In this Issue |
Is Two-Dimensional LC Worth the Effort?
Two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D LC) is a powerful technique, but method development is more involved and time-consuming. So for what types of analyses does it make sense to invest the extra effort to develop a 2D LC method instead of a 1D method? Dwight Stoll explains. More... |
Barry L. Karger Receives Arnold O. Beckman Award for Separations Techniques
Barry L. Karger, founding director of Northeastern University’s Barnett Institute of Chemical and Biological Analysis (Massachusetts, USA) has received the Arnold O. Beckman Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievements in the field of electrodriven separation techniques, sponsored by Sciex Separations, a division of AB Sciex (Massachusetts, USA). More... |
Webinar “The Analysis of Perfluorinated and Polyfluorinated compounds in Environmental Samples using Automated SPE” |
Speakers: Thomas M. Holson Professor, Associate Director, Bernard S. Crimmins, Professor, at the Center for Air Resources Engineering and Science, Clarkson University will discuss the analysis of PFCs in Water and the Food Chain. Join FMS, Inc. to learn more. Register for the webinar June 4th, 2014 11:00 am EST.
Beer Marinade Inhibits PAH Production
A team of scientists in Portugal and Spain have performed high performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection (HPLC–FLD) to show that marinating pork meat in beer can reduce the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) formed when grilled over charcoal. More... |
Making Chromatography Data Manageable |
The speed at which it is now possible to develop and run many chromatography methods is a great benefit to analytical chemists. The Chromatography Solution Center is here to help. The Solution Center, developed by LCGC in coordination with Thermo Scientific, can help you find answers to your analytical challenges by providing a variety of articles, application notes, videos, and other resources - updated monthly. Check out this month's installment of the Chromatography Data Systems (CDS) section.
Retention and Selectivity of Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Polar Groups in Ternary Reversed-Phase–HPLC Systems with Tetrahydrofuran as Modifier
The variation in selectivity of aromatic hydrocarbons with bisubstituted polar groups was investigated in systems comprised of a C18 stationary phase and ternary eluents. The ternary eluents were obtained by mixing binary solvents (organic modifier + water) of a similar eluent strength. Acetonitrile, methanol, and tetrahydrofuran were the organic modifiers applied. The influence of the organic solvent type on retention and selectivity of the solutes and its concentration in the ternary mobile phase is discussed. The approach previously presented by our group was adapted to explain the selectivity change. More... |
The Essentials: Mixed-Mode HPLC Separations: What, Why, and How
In this excerpt from LCGC’s e-learning tutorial, the mechanisms of mixed-mode chromatography are explained, with reference to the parameters that are used to optimize selectivity and retention. More... |
Current features |
UHPLC Method Development and Modelling in the Framework of Quality by Design
The goals in ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) method development are to first find the best separation, second find the best column, and third find the most robust method in a multifactorial Design Space. Trial and error methods are not sufficient anymore and solid science based on Quality by Design (QbD) principles is required. Control strategies and continual improvements of the methods are necessary, which offer much greater flexibility in the quality control laboratories than before. Modelling tools based on QbD principles used in method development give transparency to the control of multivariable influences and achieve faster drug applications and commercial authorization by the regulatory agencies. More... |
Tips & Tricks GPC/SEC: Mobile Phase Considerations
There are many sources of advice on how to select the most appropriate stationary phase for sample analysis, but the mobile phase is not often discussed. This article provides tips for selecting the most appropriate mobile phase for your analysis. More... |
Multimedia |
Part Two: Editors’ Series: Contaminant Characterization in Drinking Water: Green Methodologies |
Editors' Series: Investigating the Potential Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on Private Well Water Quality |
Suitability of Ionic Liquid GC Columns for Various Applications |
Need LC Troubleshooting Help?
CHROMacademy has developed the HPLC Troubleshooter with busy chromatographers in mind. Sponsored by Thermo Scientific, in 3 simple steps you will overcome your instrument, separation and quantitation issues. It’s completely free - so if you haven't tried our troubleshooter before you're in for a surprise! Click Here |
The Column |
The Global E-zine for Separation Scientists The global edition of The Column is delivered twice monthly with a screen-optimized format designed to improve readability. Covering topical issues, application-based articles, market reports, tips and tricks, opinion pieces and interviews, The Column is a great information resource helping readers achieve better day-to-day working practices.
Read more |
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