Featured Article |
Studying Honey Bee Decline with Chromatography
LCGC spoke to Professor Andrea Tapparo, of the University of Padova (Italy) about studying honey bee decline with chromatography. He explains how he became interested in declining honey bee populations, the type of research he’s been doing, and the analytical method he used in his work.
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Chromatography News |
Compounds in Honey Are Key to Activation of Detoxification Genes in Honey Bees
Three scientists from the University of Illinois (Urbana, Illinois) have detected key compounds in honey using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) that can up-regulate detoxification genes. HPLC was performed on ethyl acetate honey samples identifying four compounds that induce detoxification genes, potentially required for the detoxification of pesticides.
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Thermo Scientific™ LC-MS Applications for Environmental Analysis Compendium
Read through our new Thermo Scientific™ LC-MS Applications for Environmental Analysis Compendium sharing knowledge about the analysis of contaminants such as pharmaceutical and personal care products, drug residues, natural compounds and pesticides. The comprehensive compendium of LC/MS methods and applications is easily searchable by compound class, matrix or product. Read more |
European Commission Bans Use of Three Neonicortinoid Pesticides Implicated in Honey Bee Population Decline
The European Commission has imposed a ban on three neonicortinoid pesticides within the European Union – clothianidin, imidacloprid, and thiametoxam. This follows the publication of a series of reviews into the risks posed by the insecticides by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Parma, Italy, in January 2013. These reviews stem from the publication of numerous chromatographic studies, which suggest a link between pesticide exposure and “colony collapse disorder”– the mysterious decline of honey bee populations.
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Download LCGC’s New E-Book- Innovations in Food Analysis
Whether you are conducting food safety testing, nutritional research, or product development, you need the latest methods. This new special issue is here to help by bringing together vital information on methods for food analysis. Read more |
GC Troubleshooting |
Need Help With GC Troubleshooting?
A free interactive GC Troubleshooter is now available at CHROMacademy, sponsored by Thermo Scientific. In 3 simple steps you will overcome your instrument, separation and quantitation issues. It's completely free.
New Webcasts |
Multi-Residue Pesticide Analysis in Herbal Products Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction with Triple Quadrupole
Tuessday, June 25, 2013
8:00 am PDT/ 11:00 am EDT/ 16:00 BST/ 17:00 CEDT
As the human population grows and farm acreage shrinks, the use of pesticides has increased, in order to produce food efficiently. Regulatory organizations are therefore requiring manufacturers to present test data on pesticide levels in food to address public safety concerns. Sensitive and robust routine screening methods to analyze hundreds of potential contaminants are therefore necessary.
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Simply Intelligent: Chromatography Data System Software Goes Mass Spec
Thursday, July 25, 2013
8:00 am PDT/ 11:00 am EDT/ 16:00 BST/ 17:00 CEDT
This web seminar will showcase the integration of MS instrument control, and MS data processing and reporting, ultimately transforming Chromeleon CDS into a Chromatography and MS data system.
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IC Assay Methods for Impurities, Degradation Products, and Counterions in Drug Substances and Drug Products
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
8:00 am PDT/ 11:00 am EDT/ 16:00 BST/ 17:00 CEDT
Ion chromatography is increasingly being adopted in the pharmaceutical market for assays and impurity tests. Learn how your lab can benefit from adopting ion chromatography to meet some of your pharmaceutical analysis needs.
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Upcoming Events |
25–28 June 2013
Air & Waste Management Association 106th Annual Conference
Chicago, IL
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30 June–3 July 2013
24th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
Bologna, Italy
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2–5 July 2013
In Vino Analytica Scientia
Reims, France
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4–17 July 2013
PREP 2013 – 26th International Symposium Boston, MA
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7–10 July 2013
Chirality 2013
Shanghai, China
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13–16 July 2013
IFT’s 2013 Annual Meeting & Food Expo
Chicago, IL
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21–24 July 2013
50th Annual North American Chemical Residue Workshop
St. Pete Beach, FL
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28 July–1 August 2013
2013 AACC Annual Meeting
Houston, TX
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4–8 August 2013
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2013 Meeting
Indianapolis, IN
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20 September-4 October
SciX 2013 – The Great SCIentific eXchange
Milwauke, WI
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