Chromatography Corner |
The Analytical Science Behind Winemaking
LCGC spoke to Rosa Perestrelo of Centro de Química da Madeira located in Madeira University (Portugal) about wine analysis. She reveals the science behind winemaking and offers her tips for selecting the best analytical method for analysis.
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LC-MS Applications Compendium for Food Safety Analysis
This new 335-page interactive flipbook compendium from Thermo Fisher Scientific contains a wide range of food testing applications, including pesticides, drug residues such as antibiotics and veterinary drugs, mycotoxins, marine toxins, natural compounds and food additives. Food adulteration, illegal dyes, packaging contaminants and more are also included. Get your copy now.
Chromatography News |
The Benefits of Okra
A team of researchers at the University of Huddersfield, UK, has investigated the potential of okra for emulsification of certain food products using size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy.
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LC Troubleshooting |
Need Help With LC Troubleshooting?
A free interactive LC Troubleshooter is now available at CHROMacademy, sponsored by Thermo Scientific. In 3 simple steps you will overcome your instrument, separation and quantitation issues. It's completely free. More...
Featured Product |
Next Generation UHPLC
The Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC system takes high-end UHPLC to a new level. The system addresses the needs of chromatographers performing state-of-the-art UHPLC, within a single integrated, fully biocompatible and flexible platform, all while meeting the throughput demands of modern laboratories. Learn More |
Resources for Food Analysis
We all know that food analysis is full of complexity. The MS Solution Center, developed by LCGC in coordination with a leading supplier, can help — by providing a variety of articles, application notes, videos, and other resources — updated monthly. This month's offering includes Food and Beverage Solutions.
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On Demand Webcasts |
The Development of a Method for Arsenic Speciation and the Use of Ion Chromatography as a Solution for Separation
Online Sample Cleanup — A Cost-Efficient Alternative to Conventional SPE and Liquid–Liquid Extraction Methods
Next Generation UHPLC Technologies: Change the Landscape in LC