LCGC Food Analysis Focus
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April 29, 2013
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Chromatography Corner

Green Foodomics
Is “green foodomics” another buzzword or a new direction in food analysis? To find out more, LCGC spoke to Professor Elena Ibañez of the Institute of Food Science Research (CIAL) in Madrid Spain.

LC-MS Applications Compendium for Food Safety Analysis
From sample preparation to detailed chromatography/mass spectrometry conditions, this new 335-page interactive flipbook compendium from Thermo Scientific contains a wide range of food testing applications, including pesticides, drug residues such as antibiotics and veterinary drugs, mycotoxins, marine toxins, natural compounds and food additives. Food adulteration, illegal dyes, packaging contaminants and more are also included.
Get your copy now.
Chromatography News

GC–MS Reveals How to Make Tomatoes Tastier
The preservation of food in the home is a concern for all consumers. A group of researchers from INRA in Avignon, France, have conducted a study into tomato aroma with the aim of finding the optimum place for storage.

Download LCGC's New E-Book- Innovations in Food Analysis
Whether you are conducting food safety testing, nutritional research, or product development, you need the latest methods. This new special issue is here to help by bringing together vital information on methods for food analysis. Sponsored by Thermo Scientific
Click here
Finding Markers for Wine Aroma
Scientists in Portugal have been investigating important molecular and biochemical changes that occur when grapes are growing to find out how they affect wine aroma.

Join CHROMacademy's Latest Webcast: Core Shell Particles - Present and Future
Tuesday April 30; 11:00am EDT/ 16:00 BST
In this session, Dr Fabrice Gritti and Scott Fletcher highlight the benefits of core-shell particle technology and the reasons behind their surprisingly high efficiency.
Register Here
Featured Articles

Advances in GC–MS for Food Analysis
An overview of important gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) techniques currently used in food analysis is described. Considerable attention is devoted to the use of the mass spectrometer, in relation to its potential for separation and identification. The importance of comprehensive two-dimensional GC (GC×GC) is also discussed.
Need Help With LC Troubleshooting?
A free interactive LC Troubleshooter is now available at CHROMacademy, sponsored by Thermo Scientific. In 3 simple steps you will overcome your instrument, separation and quantitation issues. It's completely free.
Detection and Identification of Natural Antioxidants in Edible Oils Using LC Fractionation with Off-Line Effect-Based Detection
Many edible oils contain natural antioxidants that protect the oil from lipid oxidation, Knowledge on the identity of these oxidation inhibitors is crucial to find natural ways to protect healthy, unsaturated fats and oils from turning rancid. This article describes a new assay that allows rapid quantification of the lipid oxidation inhibting potenital of pure compounds or liquid chromatography (LC) fractions.
Featured Product

Capillary IC—Always Ready, Better Results
Capillary IC takes performance and ease-of-use to a whole new level, simplifying ion chromatography analyses while increasing throughput. By scaling down column size, injection volumes, and flow rates by a factor of 10 to 100, Capillary IC provides excellent eluent and waste economy, small sample requirements, and high mass sensitivity. The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ ICS-4000 HPIC™ system is a single channel compact, integrated capillary IC with modular detector options designed to meet  the high resolution and fast analysis needs of any laboratory. Learn more
On Demand Webcasts

Editors' Series: Industrial Problem Solving Using Ion Chromatography
On Demand
This web seminar will highlight the importance of IC for industrial problem solving and provide insights into some practical approaches used. Newer applications for IC in the area of total heteroatom determination using combustion-IC will also be introduced.
Editors' Series: HILIC: A Critical Evaluation
On Demand
In this web seminar, the possibilities and limitations of HILIC using columns packed with sub-2-µm fully porous particles and sub-3-µm core-shell particles will be discussed. The emphasis will be on kinetic performance, generic method development, the applicability of HILIC to a wide range of compounds (including polar compounds, ionizable compounds, and peptides) and a comparison of performance with reversed-phase LC. In addition, the critical impact of dissolution solvent in HILIC will be discussed and some problems related to pH control in highly organic mobile phase or long equilibrating time will be discussed.
Upcoming Events

30 April–1 May 2013
Environmental Trade Fair and Conference
Austin, TX
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5–8 May 2013
104th FEMA Annual Convention: The New Normal: Transparency &Collaboration
Palm Beach, FL
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8 May 2013
15th Annual Chemistry Event Symposium
Boston, MA
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12–16 May 2013
37th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography and 10th GCxGC Symposium
Palm Springs, CA
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15–17 May 2013
The 44th ACS Central Regional Meeting
Mount Pleasant, MI
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16 May 2013
30th Triangle Chromatography Symposium
Raleigh, NC
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19–24 May 2013
FOA 2013, International Symposium on Fundamentals of Adsorption
Baltimore, MD
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22–24 May 2013
FSEA Annual Spring Meeting and Technical Session
Clearwater Beach, FL
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9–13 June 2013
61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics
Minneapolis, MN
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16–20 June 2013
HPLC 2013: 39th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid-Phase Separations and Related Techniques
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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