Personality Types Definitions

I = Introversion   E = Extroversion   S = Sensing   N = Intuition   T = Thinking   F = Feeling   J = Judging   P = Perceiving


Responsible, organized, systematic, logical, sincere, practical, realistic, detail oriented, fact-based


Caretaker, loyal, compassionate, considerate, gentle, responsible, conventional, reliable, methodical, value-oriented, strive for stability and harmony


Creative, nurturing, intuitive, sensitive, reserved, idealistic, insightful, dependable, compassionate, strong personal values, intellectual, strive for personal growth and meaning


Analytical, problem-solvers, intellectual, innovative, logical, systematic, insightful, perceptive, thoughtful, perfectionist, strive for knowledge and continual improvement


Observant, flexibly logical, practical problem solver, analytical, adaptable, spontaneous, reserved, independent, action-oriented, responsive, understands mechanics of the world


Artistic, gentle, warm, sensitive, responsive, friendly, caretaker, loyal, helpful, supportive, flexible, accommodating, realistic, seeks beauty, avoids planning, observant of others’ needs


Sensitive, empathetic, imaginative, artistic, open to possibilities and ideas, idealistic, perceptive, loyal, value inner harmony, personal growth, and authenticity, guided by core values


Philosophical, intellectual, logical, observant, precise, flexible, imaginative, speculative, individual, appear unconventional, fascinated by theory


Energetic, observant, adaptable, prefers humor to emotions or seriousness, action-oriented, athletic, sociable, curious, versatile, spontaneous


Charming, playful, friendly, likable, sociable, seeks pleasure, enthusiastic, spontaneous, tactful, practical, observant, responsive, helpful, flexible, strong common sense


People-centered, enthusiastic, energetic, passionate, expressive communicator, witty, engaging storyteller, imaginative, curious, looks for meaning and ideas, seeks personal freedom, sees potential in others


Innovative, clever, visionary, big-picture thinker, seeks understanding and challenge, influential, witty, enthusiastic, rule breaker, strategic, enterprising, inquisitive, versatile, enjoys new ideas and challenges, values inspiration, thoughtful, conceptual


Hard working, traditionalist, takes charge, efficient, systematic, facstual, conscientious, organized, outgoing, leader, analytical, systematic, dependable


Friendly, conscientious, helpful, perceptive, strive for harmony and cooperation, value loyalty, tradition, generous, serious, practical, dutiful, organized, practical


Idealist, altruistic, caring, empathetic, sees potential in othersenthusiastic, organized, diplomatic, responsible, skilled communicator, value connections with people


Strategic, logical, efficient, leader, conceptual problem solver, intuitive, long-range planner, objective, orderly, organize people and processes, ambitious, decisive